I decide to actually go to the library. If I'm going to try to fool them, at least for a little while, I should do a good job. Besides, spending half an hour at the library will help calm me down. I call Jarrod on my way there, telling him to meet me. He said one of his brothers is sick so he called his parents to come home, so I don't have to worry about his time restraints anymore.
When I get to the library I make a show of looking around for some books, picking at random and sitting at a table farthest away from the front desk. I dig through my bag until I find the paper with Liz's phone number on it. I'm not exactly sure what to tell her. I can't go back to my regular school, but until my birthday in two weeks, I can't go to my new one either. Maybe Jarrod can hole me up in his room until then.
I dial Liz's number and tap a fingertip on the table. "Hello?"
"Hi, Liz. It's Gemma."
"Oh, Gemma, hi! How are you?"
"I'm, uh, good. I've run into some trouble."
"What do you mean?"
"After you left my dad and I had a fight and I'm in the process of, not running away exactly, but I won't be going back after tonight."
"Oh dear. What happened?" I glance up at the librarian. She's giving me a look.
"I can't explain it now. But if my dad calls, you haven't talked to me, okay?"
"I can't lie for you, Gemma." I sigh.
"I've gotta go, but just don't mention that you've talked to me, please?"
"Okay... As long as you tell me what's going on."
"I'll call you later. Bye." I hang up and shove my cell in my bag just as the librarian walks by. I sigh again and lay my cheek on the table. It's been a long day. 20 long minutes later Jarrod finally shows up. I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder, following him out of the library and into his car. He starts it without saying anything. "I need to go to the bank."
"My dad's gone mental so I'm leaving. I need to take the money out before he freezes the account." Jarrod drives me to the bank, where I take out all of my savings. It sucks that I have to take it all out, but if I can stick with the school long enough, I won't need it anyway.
"So where are you going to stay, Gem? I can't hide you in my room."
"I don't know. Until my birthday I can't go anywhere. I'm just glad it's two weeks away and not months." Jarrod nods while turning a corner. Just then I think of something. I take my cellphone out and dial Liz again. This time she answers on the first ring.
"Hi Gemma. So can you explain now?"
"Has my dad called you?"
"Yes, about three times." I roll my eyes.
"Okay. So I said some not nice things, and he said some not nice things, and he basically disowned me. He said once I'm 18 I'm not welcome at home, so I left." I see Jarrod's shocked face out of the corner of my eye. I nod my head to say 'I know, tell me about it.'
"Oh, I'm sorry, Gemma. There's nothing I can do? Talk to him maybe?" I snort.
"No. I wouldn't even try. But now my problem is, I have nowhere to go. None of my friends can keep me for two weeks, and I can't go anywhere until I'm 18 without parental consent. I'm stuck."
"Well, I would offer to let you stay with me, but I have to be back in North Carolina in four days." Shit. "Well, hold on, do you have somewhere to stay tonight?"
"Yeah I'm sure I could find a place."
"Okay, let me call my boss and I'll do some rearranging with my schedule."
"That'd be great. Call me tomorrow."
"Bye Gemma. Take care of yourself." I close my phone and smile at Jarrod.
"One night wouldn't be a problem, right?" He groans.
"Gemma, come on. I don't know. Casey's sick and I have school tomorrow."
"Then just sneak me in. It's not like I haven't stayed there without them knowing before." He's silent but I know I've won. Despite the circumstances, I feel great. This is just the escape I've been looking for, and it's only 12 short days away.
Instead of going straight back to Jarrod's house we drive around for a little while. Just to give my dad time to scope out his house and see for himself I'm not there. Jarrod drops me off a block from his house so that I can climb in through his window. I'm glad he's on the first floor. Once inside I kick off my shoes and flop down on his bed. I get a text from somebody but leave it until later. I'm too tired to worry about it right now. I mean to stay up and wait for Jarrod, but end up falling asleep within minutes.