22 June 2017

SEHE; Chapter 25

Draco sent his owl to his mother after my conversation with Charlie. She sent a response right away and after making sure everything was secured with Cheyenne, we apparated to Malfoy Manor to help Mrs Malfoy fix up the manor. When I see the manor and what they classify as needing "fixed up" I can't help but laugh to myself. My entire house could fit in their lounging room.

It took less than a day to make sure the manor is suitable for a baby. Mrs Malfoy, or Narcissa as she insists I call her, has been very welcoming and open. I expected some latent hostility or anger at Draco picking a muggleborn as his partner, but she's nothing but friendly. She is beyond excited to meet Cheyenne and has already gotten everything she could possibly ever need. "I've spared no expense!" she's exclaimed happily.

I wanted to bring Cheyenne here right away but my mum said she wants to take her to my aunt's house for the weekend. She'd already packed when I arrived at home and I was very annoyed that she'd overstepped me. Charlie told me she just wanted to spend time with Cheyenne before she was whisked off, never to be seen again. While I understand the thought behind it, I'm thoroughly pissed off that she didn't ask me first.

I stopped by Phoebe's to explain everything to her. She wasn't impressed by any of it but understood and is being supportive. She asked when she's allowed to see my new home and I told her soon while fully within the knowledge that she probably never will. Narcissa's hospitality likely only extends so far.

Now I'm currently packing up my stuff. Mum, Charlie, Cheyenne and the younger boys left yesterday. Jordan opted to stay home and Nate is busy finding his own place with Becca. "How are you getting all this stuff to Draco's house?" Jordan and Draco are watching as I pack the things I want to keep into boxes.

"I thought perhaps my purse would do." Jordan's eyebrows raise and I grin. "I've put an extension charm on it. I'll shrink everything though that's not entirely necessary and it will all fit in my bag."

"Is that legal?" I grin as I shrink a box labelled Toiletries.

"No, not really. This charm is under strict supervision and control of the Ministry but what they don't know won't hurt them. I'm doing this to move my things, not conceal anything dangerous."

"Have you always been such a rebel?" Draco snorts before I can reply and I throw him a wink.

"No, actually. I don't think I ever skipped a class or got a detention."

"Are you forgetting that one detention in our 5th year with Snape?" He knows I remember by the slight blush that creeps along my cheeks.

Jordan sits a little straighter. "Whoa, I have got to hear this." I glare at Draco and he just gives me an innocent expression. I sit back against the wall and sigh.

"It wasn't that bad, really. Snape is just a grumpy bastard." Another snort from Draco and I roll my eyes. "Fine, fine. I didn't agree with his assessment of my potion so I called him a codger. He didn't take kindly to that and gave me a detention. Nothing special." It gets a laugh out of Jordan.

"Nothing special? People talked about it for weeks when we made fun of Snape behind his back." The phone rings downstairs and Jordan gets up to answer it.

"No funny business, you two." I roll my eyes as Draco sits on the floor beside me.

"It's as if he doesn't think we can control ourselves. Ridiculous." Draco chuckles.

"Your family is all coming back tomorrow," I nod. "and we're bringing Cheyenne to the Manor." I nod again, a thought suddenly occurring to me.

"How exactly are we getting her there?"

"Floo would be the most efficient."

"I've never traveled by Floo."

"You'll be fine, love. There's no risk. We transport children and elderly this way." I nod and look around my room.

"Yes, I know. I've read about it." I catch Draco's grin and smile lightly. He pushes the bits of hair that have escaped my ponytail behind my ear and traces his thumb over my cheek.

"Hey Bell, mum called and- Oh come on. I was gone for five minutes, tops. You two need muzzles." Draco drops his hand quickly as I roll my eyes at Jordan.

"What's mum want?"

"To talk with you. She's on the line." I get up off the floor and ruffle Draco's hair a little before heading down to the kitchen and the phone.

"Hi mum."

"Oh, hey honey! How are things going?" I sit on the counter and swing my feet.

"They're fine. I'm just packing. Draco and I are going to move everything to his house today and I'll meet you back here tomorrow."

"That's why I called. Auntie Rose and Uncle Davis are going to their cottage tomorrow. They've invited us all to come, you and the older boys as well. If you decide not to, that's fine, but I want to bring Chey either way." I sigh deeply.

"Are you ever going to bring her back?"

"Of course I will."

"When, next weekend? Or will you find somewhere else to take her?"

"Bell, come on. You're taking her away from me. I just want to spend time with her before you do."

"I'm not taking her away from you, mum. I'm moving, that's all. I can visit every weekend if that's what you'd like. Draco's mother has mentioned wanting to meet you. We could do lunch or something."

"I'm not ready for that yet, Bell." I hear her mumble something to someone. "I'm sorry, hon, I've got to go. I'll call tomorrow morning and you'll let us know if you're coming, okay?"

"Yeah. Bye, mum."

"Bye, sweetheart." I hang up and knock my head against the wall a few times. I don't understand her hang up with Draco. I've explained that he had absolutely nothing to do with the war but she just refuses to see reason.

"All right, love?" I twist around and smile at Draco, though I feel anything but happy. He approaches me and I lean against his chest, his arms wrapping around my shoulders into a warm hug. "Your brother had some words for me."

"Oh gods. What did he say?"

"He said that he can see how much I care for you and for Cheyenne. He's happy you've found someone on your level. And if I ever hurt you he and Nathan will make sure my body is never found." I snicker.

"I'd love to see that. He's just being protective big brother. I think they both feel bad that things with Keelan went so fantastically wrong."

"I know. It's sweet, really. They love you and want the best for you." I close my eyes and sigh contentedly. "Have you heard from him? Richards, I mean?"

"No." Draco doesn't continue so I pull away to look up at him. "What do you know, Draco?" He pulls me back to his chest and I frown.

"He's dead, Bell." I close my eyes and shudder out a sigh. "Do you want.. to know what happened?"

"How do you know this?"

"I just do." I think for a minute. Do I really want to know? Keelan was a Death Eater. He was probably murdered by someone. Will it help me to know who did it? Probably not. Will it help Draco to share in this knowledge with me?

"Okay. Tell me."

"I did it." I pull away from Draco and look at him sharply.

"What?" He runs his hand through his hair then crosses his arms against his chest, obviously nervous.

"It was an accident. I was pulled into the final battle by my father." Draco pauses while he paces the kitchen. "I didn't want to be there. I'm not proud but I hid a lot of the time. I couldn't fight with my father but I couldn't put my wand against him either." He stops walking and turns to face me, his hands in his pockets. "Richards found and cornered me with a few.. friends. He started taunting me, telling me that I've gotten his sloppy seconds, and 'how does it feel to know that little brat will never be yours'. Plus some other equally nonsensical drivel."

I can tell he's stalling. "Get on with it."

"Short version is they attacked me. I retaliated and knocked a large portion of the castle loose. Before they could react it fell on them."

"That's it?" I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers.

"I didn't.. it wasn't supposed.. I just. I'm sorry." I've never heard him so tongue tied before, so unsure of his words and thoughts.

I don't know how I feel about Keelan's death. I had no notions that he would suddenly see reason months or years from now and want to be the father he was supposed to be, but it wasn't supposed to happen this way. And a small part of me mourns for him, for who he was and who he could have been had this all turned out differently.

I take a few breaths before I open my eyes and look at Draco. "For whatever reason, I'm not angry. I feel like I should be but really I'm just tired and sad. I'm annoyed that you've been back with me for four days and we still haven't had much in the way of conversation about what happened. I've been patient because it's only been a week and I know you need to process, but there are some things I should have been told right away."

"You're right, I'm-" I cut Draco off with a flick of my hand.

"I don't care about being right. I just want you to talk to me. Let me help you through this." Drago suddenly crosses the kitchen and practically runs into me, where I'm still sitting in the counter. He takes my face between his hands and pulls me into a deep, hard, heated kiss. He lets out his grief and everything else he hasn't been able to say.


Draco and I decide to spend the night at my family's house instead of returning to The Manor and then coming back in the morning. Nate is staying with Becca and Jordan usually goes out Saturday nights so Draco and I are completely alone for the entire night.

It's pretty intimidating, finally having that alone time with no one to accidentally interrupt us. I'm not exactly ripe with experience myself, only having gone 'all the way' a few times, and only with Keelan obviously. There were rumors around school about Draco and his.. conquests, but I know first hand how false a rumor can be.

"How many people have you slept with?" I blurt this out without thinking and Draco cocks an eyebrow at me. Until now we'd been reading quietly in my bedroom. He places a bookmark to mark his place, closes the book, and folds his hands over it on his lap.

"Is the number important to you?" This question immediately makes my skin flush. It shouldn't matter. If I hadn't been with Keelan for as long as I was who knows what mine would be. Draco never expressed details about any girlfriends during our years at school but that's obviously not something one needs for a sexual partner. "You're thinking too much." I blush again and Draco gives me a small smile.

"I'm conflicted. It doesn't matter, truly. But then what if it's like a hundred? That's 100 people I'm going to compa-" Draco silences me with a hand to my lips.

"Let me stop you right there, you lovely, jealous creature. It isn't 100 but it isn't zero. And even if it was 500 I can assure you that I have never loved any of them as I do you. I haven't desired anyone else nor have I felt the need to rush into it all with you. I am perfectly happy to go at your pace." He runs his thumb along my jaw line. "I'm with you, Bell. Don't worry yourself over girls that don't matter." I smile a little, not completely satisfied but definitely feeling better than I had 10 minutes ago. "All right?"

"All right."