Monday December 29 [33w 0d]
"Did she seem off?"
"No. We were just talking. She was completely normal."
"She didn't complain of pain or discomfort?"
"If she had I would have told the healers."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"They're called doctors here." I hear shuffling and scraping chairs and feel the presence of people surrounding me. I hear my name being called by a few people. I don't want to open my eyes because of I'm afraid of what I'll see. Or won't see. As if reading my mind, I hear my mother.
"The baby is fine, sweetheart." I squint one eye open and peek down at my belly. It's still huge and still round.
"It's very bright in here." After some more shuffling the light is dimmed and I open both of my eyes. Four faces are staring at me. Lena is holding one of my hands.
"How do you feel?" I take a second to think about it.
"Very tired. Sore." My mum whispers to Lena and she leaves my little hospital room. "What happened?" I catch Draco and Phoebe share a look before she speaks.
"Draco woke me up and said something was wrong. I took you to the bathroom and.. there was blood.. everywhere." I frown. "I called an ambulance and then your parents from the lobby."
"What time is it?"
"Roughly 8 in the morning." I struggle to sit up a little.
"I was only out for a few hours?"
"Well, sweetheart, it's Monday morning." I stare at my mother. Before I can say anything Lena comes back with my doctor following her.
"Ah, Annabel. How are you feeling?"
"Confused. It's Monday?"
"Yes, dear. You have what's called a subchorionic hematoma. It's basically just a collection of blood. For you I suggest complete bed rest for the duration of your pregnancy, especially considering the preterm labour contractions. I understand you go to a private school?" I nod and she turns to my mum. "I would advise that you speak with the school and explain her situation. She needs to stay at home." My mother nods and takes my other hand. "Excellent. Is there someone that can stay with her at home? The only time she's to be out of bed are bathroom visits. She's going to need help."
"We'll work something out. We'll figure it out."
"Annabel, do you have any questions?"
"This hematoma won't hurt the baby will it?"
"As long as you rest you will be perfectly fine. You're 33 weeks and babe has excellent chances of surviving if we are to deliver early. But not to worry, we aren't even close to thinking about that as of yet. Go home, do not get out of bed, and I'll see you next week in my office, yes?"
"I can go home now?" Dr Anne smiles and nods.
"I'll go grab your discharge papers and have you on your way." She leaves and I lean my head against the pillow, my mind spinning.
"All right there?" I look at Lena.
"Not particularly. I hadn't expected to stay home yet. My stuff is at Hogwarts."
"I'm sure Dumbledore will send it back to you." I sigh and close my eyes.
"Who's going to stay home with me? How annoying."
"I'll do it." I open my eyes and look at Draco with utter surprise.
"You will do no such thing. You are going to go back to school and finish the year and graduate. I will not let you jeopardize your future for me. And I will hear no arguments otherwise." He looks as if he's about to speak but must think better of it because he keeps his mouth shut. I smile lightly. "Graduate and then come back to me." I hear my mum clear her throat and suddenly remember the extravagant ring on my left finger. I glance quickly at Phoebe and she pats her pocket. I sigh with relief and lean back into my pillow. I'm suddenly exhausted.
Now that I'm awake Phoebe and Lena convince my mum to get some coffee in the hospital's cafeteria, leaving me alone with Draco. I pat the bed next to me and shift to give him room to sit. "I'm serious, you know. You're not staying with me." He puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean against him.
"I wish you'd let me." I sigh happily as I feel slight movements in my belly.
"You need to graduate and prove to yourself that you're more than your father says you are. I believe in you. It's time for you to do the same."
"How do you always know everything?" I grin and look up at him.
"Because I'm smart."
"That you are." He leans down and gives me a quick kiss. I'd like to give him another but my doctor walks in.
"Here we are Annabel," She places a few papers on my side table. "Your mother just needs to sign these and you're free to go. And remember what I said, all right? Lots of rest." She smiles and leaves my room again.
"Your healer seems to know what she's doing, though I wouldn't know either way." I nod.
"I like her a lot. She was very generous in keeping me on as a patient considering I've been away more than half the pregnancy." We're quiet as we just enjoy each other's company. "You'll need to owl me every chance you get, you know."
"I'll just bombard your muggle house with an owl every time I think about you, shall I?"
"Yes, that should do."
Sunday January 4 [33w 6d]
The past week has gone slowly. Draco and Lena went home on Tuesday and Phoebe's parents have allowed her to stay with me until tonight as she goes back to school tomorrow morning. My own parents were nice enough to set up the spare telly in my room so I'm not going up and down the stairs. I feel terrible that everyone has to take care of me, but I only have 6 weeks left so it isn't forever.
"Tell me, Bellie, please!" I laugh and shake my head.
"No. We're not telling anyone until delivery." Phoebe has been trying to badger me into telling her the name Draco and I finally chose, but I'm not budging. "It's the only thing I've been able to keep to myself."
"I know, but it's me! I'm supposed to be your best friend." I roll my eyes but can't help but laugh at her.
"Oh you're quite ridiculous. Now, what colour are you picking?"
"What do you want?" I survey my options. I convinced Phoebe to paint my toes after much begging.
"I like the metallic green. Maybe some stars or something on the big toes?" I watch as she carefully applies polish to each of my toe nails.
"So what of the wedding? And don't give me that look, I know you're dying to start planning." I grin.
"I can't even deny that. I just have no idea. It definitely won't be this year as I want something in the Autumn but not with a new baby. So it seems like next Fall. She'll be nearly 2 by then and it gives me plenty of time to plan."
"Sounds very thought out. Does Draco know any of this?" I chuckle.
"Well, not really. We haven't really had time to plan together have we?"
"No, I suppose not, eh. Your houses have particular colours, right?"
"Yes. Mine are primarily blue and bronze and his are green and silver."
"I'm sure you'll think of something. Throw him and pick something like magenta."
"I would love to see his face."
"Me too. Tell him while I'm there. I like him, you know. I think you're both very good for the other." I feel my cheeks flush.
"I would have to agree. I can see myself being very happy with him, Phoeb." She smiles happily.
"Ah, young love. I'll be maid of honour, yes?"
"Of course you'll be, idiot. You're the only one I'd have." She squeezes my ankle affectionately. "When's your dad coming for you?" She glances at the clock on my wall. "I'd say.. maybe two hours? I think he works tonight."
"Hey Bell." I jump slightly as my mum pops her head into my room.
"Yes, mum?"
"I'm ordering pizza for dinner. What would you like?"
"Olives, tomato, mushroom and pineapple." Phoebe wrinkles her nose. "Oh, don't you make that face at me. Just you wait until you're the one that's pregnant with peculiar cravings. I, for one, cannot wait to see it."
"Your dad called as well, Phoebe. Work called him in early so he'll be here in a few. I'll have someone bring up your pizza when it gets here, hon." She leaves and I sigh.
"Bugger, I didn't finish everything." I look down at my toes. They're all green but she didn't have time to decorate them.
"I'll have Jordan do them. He's scheduled to cater to me tomorrow." Phoeb laughs as she hoists herself off my bed.
"I'll be here to relieve him tomorrow after I get home."
"No, give Gabe some attention. He's a good lad but go be his girlfriend or I'm afraid he'll hate me."
"Never happened. But you're right, I have been neglecting him. Poor boy." She grins as she shrugs on her jacket. "Call me later if you're so inclined."
"Got it. Love you."
"Love you, Bellie." After she leaves I snuggle back into my pillow and close my eyes, intent on getting some sleep before dinner.
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