29 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 11

I look up from my book at a knock at my door. I smile as I set my book aside. "Hi Dr Cullen. Is it time for my check up?"

"It certainly is. How are you feeling?"

"Tired still. Not hungry. The usual." Dr Cullen smiles as he takes my heart rate and blood pressure.

"That's because you're still on IV."

"When can it come out?"

"As soon as you're able to hold anything down without throwing it up. Then we'll talk about taking it out. But for now it's the only way you're body is getting what it needs, so it stays in."

"Ugh. I hate it. It's so uncomfortable. It feels like the end of the needle is going to poke through my hand." Dr Cullen laughs.

"Not to worry, you'll be just fine."

"Are we all done? I'm on chapter 6 of the book you gave me and it's just getting to a good part."

"Actually Jillian, there is something I'd like to talk to you about."

"What's that?"

"It's about Emmett.." I don't let him finish.

"I don't want to hear it."

"Please, Jillian, hear me out. He's still alive." I glare at Dr Cullen. Emmett's the reason I'm here in the first place! Now when I'm finally getting healthy he wants to pull this on me? I don't think so.

"I don't want to hear it, Dr Cullen. Not now, not ever."

"Please just listen, okay?" When I don't interrupt him he continues. "I know where he is. He's been living with me for the past 6 months. He's very well." Tears spring to my eyes.

"Why should I believe a word you're saying?"

"Because it's 100% the truth." Dr Cullen takes an envelope out of his coat. "He wanted me to give you this. He said he understands if you never want to talk to him again. I told him he shouldn't have asked me but that I would tell you. I'll give you some time." I take the envelope from him and stare at the front. It has my name on it in the same messy scrawl that was on the last one. Except this time I recognize whose it is. And it can only be one person's.

I set the envelope on my lap and stare at it for a good hour. I'm afraid of what I might find in there. Why wouldn't Emmett contact me if he's still alive? Why would he make me go through all of this when there was no reason for it? I think back to the first letter. I had never actually read it. I sigh as I realize it could have been Emmett trying to contact me. Now I just feel stupid. I got upset over something that could have let me see him again. With that thought I rip open the flap and take out the letter.

Dear Jilly,

I'm sorry that things have turned out this way. When I heard you'd landed yourself in the hospital I almost lost it. You're lucky to have Carlisle as your doctor. He's a very good person and he'll make you better in no time.

I hope you don't think someone's trying to trick you. It's nothing like that at all. It's really me, Jilly. I miss you. I've thought about you nonstop for six months straight. Wondering if you're thinking of me. I've wanted to see you, but that's not safe for me right now. I'll tell you all about that later, if you decide that keeping in contact with me is what you want. I'll understand if you don't.

Please, Jilly, get better. Not only for yourself, but for your family. They need you.

If you want to reply back to me just give your letter to Carlisle. He'll get it to me.

I love you, Jillian. I've never stopped.

Yours, Emmett

I read it three times before the words actually sink in. I want to reply, but I don't want to look foolish if this really is a trick. I decide to sleep on it and think about it again in the morning. I place the letter and envelope on my bedside table and fall into a restless sleep.

I dream about Emmett. He's wearing a tux and he's standing at the end of an alter. It takes me a second to realize that I'm his bride. My heart swells with pride and love.

I watch my dream self marry the one man I've ever loved, and ever will love. I'm sure of that. My heart was taken from me the day he left and he's kept it all this time. I don't think I'll ever get it back. I sigh contently in my sleep as we say our vows and share our first kiss as husband and wife.

26 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 10

"Hey, what's this?" I glance over at Sasha from my book.

"Oh, that's the envelope you gave me last week, remember?"

"You haven't opened it yet?" I shrug.


"Well why don't you?" I sigh and close my book.

"Do I have to right this minute?" She hands it to me and I roll my eyes. It's been almost two weeks since Sasha dragged me out to town. I'm proud to say that I've been much better. I slide open the flap and take out the paper stuffed inside it. My first thought upon seeing it is "is this some sick joke?"

"What's wrong?" I glare up at Sasha.

"This is a joke, right? Tell me you didn't actually do this."

"Do what? What are you talking about?" I shove the letter at her and she gasps and looks up at me. You can't fake that, so I decide it wasn't her that did it. I jump up from my bed and stomp around my room.

"Who would be so heartless as to do something like that?! I can't believe it! After everything I've been through, someone decides to pull this?!" Just then my door opens and all three of my family members are standing in my bedroom.

"Why are you shouting, Jillian?" I thrust my thumb at Sasha.

"May as well show them, too. Maybe Greg will know if one of his friends did this." My brother looks at me with confusion.

"Did what?"

"You'll see." Sasha quietly hands them the letter. All of them look up at me. I stomp some more, not because it'll help anything, but because it's making me feel better.

"Oh darling, you don't know who did this?" I shake my head angrily, tears starting to pour over. All of a sudden my anger fades and grief takes its place. I sink down to my knees and shake with sobs. I press my head against my mattress and take parts of the blanket in my fists. I'm beyond rational thought at this point. The last thing I remember before the darkness is calling out Emmett's name.


Gregory Marion Sr

"I'm afraid we don't have much else of a choice Mr Marion. She hasn't eaten or drank in several days. She's severely dehydrated. She needs to be hospitalized or she could waste away into nothing. I know this is hard for you, but I think losing your daughter would be harder, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes. Do whatever you can. Just make her healthy again."

"We'll do everything we can for her Mr Marion. Don't worry, she'll be in good hands."

"Tell me more about this Dr Cullen. He's new?"

"Yes, he just transferred this month."

"He looks too young to have such a large degree. Are you sure he's capable?"

"Certainly. He's one of the best doctor's we've ever had. I'm assigning him to your daughter, actually."

"Well I hope you're right about him."

"Not to worry. He's very good at what he does and very passionate. I've never seen someone so driven."

"Yes, well, let's hope he's all you say him to be. Anna and I aren't getting any younger and I want to see my daughter healthy and well before I pass on."

"You've got absolutely nothing to worry about Mr Marion. We'll take good care of her."


Carlisle Cullen

"Dr Cullen? Mr Marion is here with his daughter." I flip closed Jillian Marion's chart and follow Lisa to the room Jillian is in. She's laying on a bed with an IV in her arm and a blanket over her. I've seen some bad cases of anorexia, but she's by far the worst. She can't stand without support and weighs only 80 pounds. She should have been brought here a long time ago.

"Mr Marion, a pleasure to see you again." I extend my hand and he shakes it, wincing at the cold of my skin. I turn to Jillian. "Why wasn't she brought here earlier?"

"She wouldn't let me. Every time we tried taking her she'd throw a fit, lock herself in her room, she even ran away one time."

"She finally decided to come?" Gregory Sr shakes his head.

"No. She starting becoming delusional and didn't know where she was or who her family is."

"I see. As I understand why you didn't bring her sooner, I have to say that it wasn't the best choice. It's going to take a lot of work to make her healthy. She's going to be under a lot of stress for a while. And I must stress this to you. If Jillian really wants to recover, she will. If she doesn't, then she won't. It's all about one's will to survive. But we'll do what we can for her for now."

"Thank you, doctor. I'm sure you'll take good care of my girl."

"I'll do what's in my power to help her."

23 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 9

It's been a month since that night. A month since my life was ripped from me. I've been useless and lazy. My mother's been understanding but I can tell it's getting to her. I should care, but I just don't. I can't, not anymore. I stopped caring about anything the night Emmett died.

I hear my door bang open and I cringe. Then I clamp my eyes shut as the curtains are pulled from the windows and light floods the room. What time is it? Doesn't matter. I'm not going anywhere. "Jill. This is enough. You've been in here for weeks. Don't you think it's time you got up?" I shake my head. "Well I do. Come on. You're going to shower. You're going to wash yourself up. I'm going to dress you. You're going to actually eat something. And we're going to go out today."

"Go away Sasha."

"I will not. I've been tiptoeing around you for weeks and I'm not doing it anymore. You look terrible. You need some sun and that's exactly what you're getting today. I don't want any excuses. I'll even wash you myself if I have to." Fed up with her rambling I heave myself out of bed and stomp to my bathroom. I slam the door and lock it behind me. Once my anger subsides I sigh. I may as well take the stupid shower since I'm in here anyway. I start the water and take off my nightgown, careful not to look at my body. I've lost quite a bit of weight in the last month and I know I look hideous.

I wash up and dry myself off, hitching a towel under my arms and walking back into my bedroom. Sasha's already got a dress picked out for me. I grab it and throw it on, not caring to see which one it is. If she wants to take me out, fine. No one said I had to enjoy myself. Once I'm dressed she runs a brush through my hair and pins it up. I cross my arms and glare at the floor as I follow her down to the kitchen, where to my surprise, food is already waiting for me.

"We're staying here until you eat every bite. And I won't have you arguing with me. So just do it." I grumble as I force down the food. Which actually tastes really good, not that I would tell Sasha that. After I've eaten to her satisfaction she takes my arm and leads me out of the house. We live a few miles outside of town so I follow along behind her as she heads in that direction. She doesn't say anything to me and I don't say anything to her. I'm still angry that she's pulled me out of bed to go into town. I'd have been content with staying in bed for a few more months.

Throughout the day I complain about the weather and the fact that my dress itches. Sasha ignores that for the most part, dragging me into shop after shop after endless shop. I don't care to see any of this stuff. The only thing I want to see is gone, so I couldn't care less about all this other stuff. "I just need to head to the post office and we can go back." I thank my lucky stars that this will be over soon. It almost makes me want to be half pleasant. Almost.

As Sasha does her business at the post office I sit outside. I'd forgotten how good the sun feels on my skin. The bell above the door dings and Sasha comes over to me and hands me an envelope. "What's this?"

"I don't know. The Post Master just told me to give it to you. It's got your name on it." I look down at it, and sure enough, it does. I don't recognize the messy handwriting.

"I'll open it at home. Come on. I wanna go." Sasha links my arm and walks with me back home. On the way back I think about how horrible I'm being to her. I know she's only trying to help me, but I wish she'd go another way about doing it. I'm afraid to start living again. Afraid that it means I'm moving on and forgetting him. And that scares me. I can't forget him. He's all I had.

"Thanks for letting me take you out today, Jill. I know I didn't go about it in the nicest way, but I think a push is what you needed." I shake my head and offer a small smile.

"Don't worry. I'm sorry I've been rotten to you today. You're only trying to help." She nods.

"That's really all I'm trying to do. I know it's going to take time for you to move on and I'm not going to push that, but I really think you should start living your life again. Living doesn't mean forgetting, sweetheart." A tear falls down my cheek.

"I'm afraid to start living because he's not here to live with me." She stops in the middle of the road and takes me in her arms. It's been so long since I've let anyone touch me, and I find that I've really needed it. I find myself actually hugging her back.

"You never have to forget him if you don't want to. He's here watching over you. Don't you think it's making him sad that you're shutting yourself away from everyone?" I'd never really thought about it like that.

"I don't know. Maybe." Sasha smiles at me and takes my hand, swinging it in between us as we walk the rest of the way home. I ask her to stay for the night and she agrees. In truth, I've missed Sasha. I've been missing a lot of people. Maybe after today I'll finally be able to reconnect with my family.

After we get back to my house we drop Sasha's stuff in my room and I toss the envelope on my side table without looking at it, where it's soon forgotten. I spend the night catching up with Sasha, even smiling and laughing at some points. It's hard not to be happy with her. She's like a ball of happiness. I learn that Marc proposed to her and they're getting married next spring. I'm happy for them, but I can't help but feel sorry for myself. She moves on to lighter topics before my mood completely takes a wrong turn.

Finally at 2 AM we fall asleep, exhausted. It was a long day for me. I'm glad that Sasha made me go out today. Without that shove in the right direction I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed today. Hopefully the trend sticks and I'll finally be able to start living. It scares me, but it's something that I need to do. Not only for me, but for Emmett. I'm sure if he were here right now he wouldn't like what he's been seeing of me this past month. With that last thought I fall asleep, happier than I've been in weeks.

19 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 8

"Jill? You awake?" I open my eyes to see Emmett staring at me.

"What time is it?"

"A little after 8."

"What are you doing here? I haven't called you yet."

"Sasha called me. She told me that you need to talk to me." Damn her. I roll over so my back is to Emmett. He jumps over me and lands in front of me on the bed.

"I don't want to talk right now. Go away."

"Jilly, come on, please?" Childishly I yank the blanket over my head, ignoring him. I hear him laugh and tug lightly at the blanket. "Jill, come on. I want to know why you're upset."

"I never said I was upset."

"Sasha said you cried last night. That sounds like upset to me, love." Damn her again.

"I don't care anymore."

"Is it because of this weekend?"


"I don't believe you."

"What did Sasha say to you?" Knowing her, it could have been anything.

"Well, let's just say she wasn't very polite. She told me that if I were any kind of fiance that I'd stay home with you. But you told me that it's okay to go. So I'm confused." I huff out a sigh and pull the blanket down, looking up at him.

"I'm not upset. I don't care. Go hiking. I'll see you Sunday." I get out of bed and make my way down to the kitchen. Now that I'm up I'm hungry and may as well eat. I know this behaviour is childish and I'm acting like a fool, but I don't care. I was going to give him something really special, and he won't even be around to get it now.

"Jill, wait!" Emmett catches up to me easily and follows me to the kitchen. "Jill, talk to me, please? I don't have to go this weekend. I can save it for next weekend or something. Come on, look at me at least?" I pause just before pouring milk into my cereal.

"It doesn't matter when you go, Emmett. It's the fact that I had planned something for us and you ruined it by making other plans without even asking me if we were going to do something."

"What did you have planned?" I sit down and take a bite of my cereal.

"It doesn't matter now. I don't even want to anymore. So just go hiking and I'll see you Sunday."

"I can't stay today?" I look down at my bowl.

"Not today, okay?"

"Okay. I'll call you when I get back."

"Okay." Emmett kisses my cheek.

"I love you, Jilly."

"You too, Emmett." I stare at my bowl as he walks out of the kitchen. I feel terrible, but I don't feel like being around him. I feel like wallowing in my self pity today. I wonder what to do today and decide to go to my old play house. I haven't gone there in almost a year. I pack a lunch, fully intending to stay the whole day, and take off for the forest behind the house. When I get there I stop to admire it first. The tree has grown in the last year and the leaves make a thick wall around the house.

I have to duck while in the house or else I'd probably be able to stand right through the roof. I shake out the bedroom blanket and lay on it, sighing to myself. Pity party for one? I wipe a few stray tears away and bury my head in the pillow. I take a book out of my bag and flip to the page I left off at. I've read only one chapter before I fall asleep.


"Why hasn't he called yet?"

"Relax. He's probably just washing up before he comes to see you."

"But he said he'd call when he got back."

"Then maybe he's gotten back late." I go to pick up the receiver when my mother stops me.

"You've called three times already. Surely if someone were there they would have picked up." I sigh and rest my chin on my hand. It's almost 10 PM and Emmett still hasn't called. I'm about to go get a drink when the phone's ring makes me jump. I yank it off.

"Hello? Emmett?" There's a pause.

"May I speak with Mr or Mrs Marion please?" I hand the receiver over to my mother and head to the kitchen for a drink. When I come back she's looking at me and I'm surprised to see that she looks sad. I set my glass on a table and go over to her, trying to listen in on the conversation.

"Yes, I understand. Thank you. Goodbye." She hangs up and shakes her head.

"What? What's happened?"

"You may want to sit down, darling." No! I don't want to sit down. Why are you looking at me that way?

"What's going on?" She rests her hands on my shoulder.

"Darling, there's a reason that Emmett hasn't called yet." My heart and stomach feel as though someone's dunked them into acid.

"What's going on?" She sighs deeply.

"While he was hiking today.. he had an accident. They can't find his body." My knees give out and I sink to the floor. No. No No no no no! Not my Emmett! NO! "They're going to do an investigation, but darling, there was a lot of blood. They're pretty certain that he didn't make it. They think a bear dragged him off."

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" I get up and run out of the house, not caring where I'm going. This can not be happening. He said he would call! He said it! I run until I trip over something, and when I'm down, I stay down. I have no need or want to get up. I have nothing left to get up for. My Emmett is gone. And he's taken me with him.

I lay for what felt like hours, but could have only been minutes, until I hear my name being called. I hear footsteps walk toward me and stop a few feet from me. "Jill." Arms scoop me up and carry me back from the way I'd come. I don't know who it is, and I don't care. All I know is that it's not Emmett. He'll never hold me again.

I drift off as I'm being carried back to my house. The light wakes me up and I open my eyes. My mother and father are both sitting in the sun room, so I assume Greg is carrying me. "I've got her. I'll get her upstairs." I doze off again and I'm asleep before I hit my bed.

14 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 7

"Ooh, I think I ate too much." Sasha pats her stomach, agreeing with me.

"What were those called again?" I pick up a wrapper.

"A Kit-Kat. Huh, weird name, huh?" She nods and closes her eyes. "Sasha?"

"Uhmhm?" I'm silent for a few seconds. I want to word this without sounding silly.

"Well.. you know I've never done it before an-"


"What?" She opens her eyes and sits up.

"Oh come in Jill. You shouldn't do it if you can't even call it what it is." I scowl and look down at my hands.

"Fine. You know I've never had.. sex. So I don't know what to do."

"What are you asking exactly?"

"What do I do, Sasha? How will I know what he likes? What if I do something completely wrong?" She snickers.

"Trust me honey, there's nothing you can do that'll ruin it for him. Males are very simple creatures. You show some skin and they go crazy for you. With that little number on, you're practically set."

"But what do I do?" She pats my knee.

"Don't worry about it. If you over think it you'll be awkward. Just do what you're comfortable with and go on your instincts." I sigh. I worry that I don't have any kinds of those instincts. But I guess we'll find out soon enough. Emmett's birthday is in exactly 3 days.

"You need to come over beforehand to help with my hair. I want to look just right." Sasha smiles and leans back against my headboard again.

"No worries. You'll look so good that he'll be begging for it." I blush and look over at my door as I hear a knock.

"Jillian? Phone is for you, dear."

"Who is it?"

"Emmett." I smile and roll my eyes, getting out of bed and going down to the lobby.

"Hi Emmett."

"Hi, love."

"I thought I told you I'd call tomorrow morning when you're allowed to come over."

"I needed to hear your voice. Plus I have some exciting news. A couple friends of mine invited me to go hiking this weekend." My stomach drops.


"Yeah! You know how I've been wanting to go on this hike for months. They decided it would be a birthday sort of thing even though about five of us are going. We're going to leave Friday morning and we'll probably get back on Sunday sometime. What's wrong?"

"Well, I just had something special planned for your birthday."

"Oh love, we can do it tomorrow."

"No, it's okay. You go and have fun."

"You sure?"

"Positive. Are you dropping by tomorrow?"

"Of course. I want to see you before I head off for the weekend."

"Okay. Well, I have to go, I'll call you tomorrow after Sasha leaves."

"Okay. You have a good night. Dream of me."

"Always. Goodnight Emmett."

"Goodnight, love." I hang up the phone and drag myself back up to my room. I flop down on my bed and let the tears I'd been holding in finally fall.

"What, he couldn't go 10 more hours?"

"Guess not." My tone alerts her that something's wrong. She opens her eyes and scoots closer to me.

"Jill, what's wrong?"

"He's leaving Friday morning to go out with some friends for the weekend. My whole plan is ruined."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. Why don't you just do it when he comes back?"

"Because it won't be special then. I know you think it's stupid, but it was important to me." She wipes a few tears off my cheeks.

"Nothing that's important to you is stupid to me. I'm sorry." I sigh sadly.

"Can we go to sleep now?"

"Of course. I'll go turn out the light." I climb to my pillow and flop down, more tears falling down my cheeks. Sasha turns off the lamp and shuts the bedroom door, climbing in beside me. She rubs my back as I cry silently until I fall asleep.

10 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 6

"But Jilly.."

"No buts, you're not coming over tonight. Sasha and I are having a girls night and you'd be bored."

"Not if I was with you I wouldn't be." I roll my eyes.

"Doesn't matter. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" I hear Emmett groan through the line and laugh. "Don't worry, you'll see me tomorrow morning. It's not that far away."

"Easy for you to say. You actually have something to do. Hey... where are you going today anyway?"

"Smooth, Emmett. I'm not telling because you'll show up."

"Fine. Have fun without me." I smile.

"I will. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, love." I hang up the phone just as Sasha comes in the door.

"Ready?" I nod and link arms with her. Today we're going to see if I can find something for Emmett's birthday. I have something in mind, but need Sasha's opinion. I'd probably die of embarrassment if I asked my mother. And I have a feeling she wouldn't approve if she knew what my plan was anyway.

Instead of going directly to the store in question, we walk around the market, looking at all of the things everyone's selling. I see a stand with hair clips in it and one in particular catches my eye. The woman behind the table rushes over to me. "Something you like, miss?" I point down to the clip. It's a light blue that looks like the sky. It reminds me of the day that Emmett proposed.

"How much is that one?"

"25 cents, miss." I frown.

"I'll have to come back." As I'm walking away Sasha grabs my arm.

"Are you crazy?"

"I only have 5 dollars, and I don't know how much the thing is going to be."

"Well why don't we go find out then come back and I'll help you pay for the clip?" I feel a swell of gratitude toward my friend. I link my arm with her again and we walk to the store. As we come to it I can feel myself blush. "What's wrong, Jill?"

"What if he doesn't like it? I'd be making a fool out of myself for nothing." She rolls her eyes and drags me into the store.

"Oh please. He has a hard enough time keeping his hands off you when you're fully clothed, never mind when you've only got a small piece of fabric on. Now come on, let's find you something." Ah bless her. My plan is to surprise Emmett with some lingerie for his birthday. And maybe some other things, if it gets to that. I'm kind of nervous, but I've been thinking about it for days, and I know it's what I want to give him.

"Jill, this is the one!" I walk over to Sasha to see her holding up a sky blue, silky, lacy thing. It reminds me of the clip I wanted at the market. "Oh, you've got to get this one. If not then I'm buying it for you. It even matches that barrette." I sigh. There's no stopping Sasha once she gets started.

"Fine, as long as it's 5$ or lower. I'm not negotiating on that." She rolls her eyes and hands it to me.

"At least try it on, will you? There's rooms in the back."

"How would you know that?" I was just teasing, but a light blush covers her face. I turn to her. "You actually know that? Since when?"

"Oh, it's no big deal really. I've been here a couple times for some things." I raise my eyebrows.

"Things like what?" Her blush deepens.

"You know, things for myself... and Marc." I laugh.

"I can't believe this. Wait, does that mean you've.. you know?"

"Had sex? Yes, we have. It's not that unusual, you know. Only you seem to have such an aversion to it. Poor Emmett." I push her shoulder and blush. It's not like Emmett and I haven't been close, or haven't wanted to. I've just wanted to save it for something special. And after careful consideration, Emmett's birthday seems like the perfect time.

I find a changing room and strip out of my dress. I look down at my body. I've never really thought about how I look to anyone before. That's not all that important to me. I'm not painfully skinny, but I am on the thinner side. As a result my breasts aren't very big. I've never cared, they always seem to get in the way anyway, but I'm suddenly wondering if Emmett likes them, or if he prefers them bigger.

"Jill? You okay in there?" I snap out of my wonderings and slip on the little blue outfit. I don't look at myself before opening the door and facing Sasha. "Oh my gosh, it's like it was made for you." I make a face. "Seriously, Jill. Did you look at yourself?"

"Not really." She rolls her eyes and grabs my shoulders, thrusting me in front of a tall mirror. My first reaction is 'skin! skin everywhere!' but I make an effort to try to see myself like Emmett would. The hem rides along my thighs, accentuating what little curves I have. The neckline hugs closely to my breasts, making them seem bigger than they are.

"Well? What do you think?" I turn my body a little.

"You're right." Sasha smiles smugly.

"Of course I am. Now hurry and change back before someone tries to steal you away." I roll my eyes and change back into my dress. I set the small piece of silk in front of the woman running the shop. She smiles and sets down her book.

"Will that be all for today?" I'm too embarrassed to talk so all I can do is nod. "That will be 4.50$ please." I hand her the money and she wraps up my purchase and sticks it in a paper bag. I thank her, take my change and Sasha and I exit the little store.

"Okay, now to get that clip. Come on." We walk back to the woman and she greets me kindly, already pulling out the clip that I want. I pay for it and then Sasha and I head back in the direction of home.

Forever More, Chapter 8

I wake up, gasping for breath and sweating. Draco turns on the light. "Bell, you okay?" I can't help it, I break down into tears.

"No, I'm not okay." He takes me in his arms.

"Another dream?" I nod my head, tears leaking out. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head.

"No. I'm just going to get a drink, clear my head a little."

"Want me to come with?" I shake my head again.

"No. I'll be back soon." Instead of turning off the light and laying back down he grabs a book and opens to a marked page. I give him an odd look.

"I'll wait up." I smile, but it fades as soon as I exit the bedroom. I look down the hall toward Keera's room. I just need to check and then I can go back to sleep. I'm just going to check. Everything's fine. I walk slowly down the hall and open Keera's door. I feel myself falling before someone catches me and walks me back to my bedroom. I'm set on my bed.

"Why.. Why is Jasmine here?" Draco sits beside me.

"She's spending the night remember?"

"So.. Gabe and Phoebe are okay?"

"Yeah, they're fine." I go to pick up the phone but Draco stops me. "I'm assuming that's what your dream was about." I nod. "But it's too early to call them, love." I look at the clock and it is indeed too early to call. "Why don't we just lay down, hmm?" I nod and soon I'm laying against Draco's chest, his arms wrapped securely around me. It doesn't take long for me to fall back to sleep.


"Jasmine, your mom's here!" I let Phoebe in and lead her to the kitchen. To everyone's surprise, her pregnancy has stuck and she's now almost 6 months pregnant. None of her other pregnancies made it this far, so I can only imagine how relieved she must feel.

"Oh, let the girl's play. They don't get together much these days." I nod and open the fridge, asking what she'd like. "Just water, please." She pats her belly. "Still can't keep much down." I grab two bottles of water and open hers, setting it in front of her.

"So how are you and baby doing?" She takes a sip of her water and sits on the kitchen stool.

"Well, I'll be 20 weeks on Wednesday and so far it's been terrific. The only downfall is the constant nausea, but if it means I'm still pregnant, then I really can't complain." I smile and sit on the other side of the kitchen island. "You look like crap, Bell."

"I feel like crap. Actually, I want to talk to you about something." Her teasing smile leaves her face, replaced with a worried frown. "You know those dreams I keep having?" She nods. "Well, I had one about you and Gabe last night." She immediately looks down at her belly, wrapping a hand around it.

"What happened?"

"Something happened with the pregnancy and on the way to the hospital you got into an accident. Both you and Gabe died."


"She was at your parents for the night." She sighs with relief.

"The baby?" I can only shake my head, but she understands. She reaches across the island and takes my hand, squeezing it. "We'll all be fine, you know that right?" I just stare at my water, which remains unopened. "Hey." She makes me look up at her. "We will be fine. You think I came all this way to die now?" I shake my head. "Well there you go. So stop worrying." A few minutes go by where nothing is said. "I'm curious. Do you know when?" I turn and look at the calendar.

"Uhh.. Draco's away for the weekend on business, so the end of the month."

"Well that makes sense. It's my parents' anniversary that weekend so that's why Jazz will be there. So, what do we do?" I turn back to her.

"I was kind of thinking about that. It, uh, the accident happens on Highway 23, just off that one intersection. From here, you can get to the hospital without having to go that way."

"So you want us to stay here for the whole weekend?" I shrug.

"I don't know what else to suggest."

"Okay, then that's what we'll do. My parents will be here until later on the Friday evening so we'll head over after?" I nod and give Phoeb's a small smile. "Think you could have one of these dreams for when Cambria is supposed to come?" I actually laugh at this and shake my head.

"You're nuts." Just then both girls come skidding into the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Jasmine gives her mom a hug and kisses her belly. I don't know who's more excited about the baby, Phoebe and Gabe or Jasmine.

"Mama, when am I going to have a little sister?" Phoeb and I both start cracking up.

"I don't think that's going to happen honey. I think mommy and daddy are done having babies." The look on Keera's face is priceless.

"But Jazz is having a baby sister! I want one too!" Jasmine takes Keera's hand.

"I know, we can share!" I smile.

"There see, you can share Cambria when she comes." Keera's face lights up and she nods.

"Well Jazz, you ready to go?" Instead of answering Phoebe the girls giggle then run from the room. Phoeb's laughs and gets up from the stool. I want to feel relieved that the dream let me save my best friend, but I can't help but feel terrified I intervened with fate and it will find another way to take them.

07 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 5

I grip Emmett's hand tighter in my own, sure that I'm working my way to a full scale panic attack. "My father's going to shoot you, you know. He does have guns. And Greg's probably going to get a few hits in with a baseball bat. I wouldn't put it past my mother to get in a few swipes either. I can't believe I agreed to this." Emmett rubs his thumb on the back on my hand. Usually it calms me, but I'm too far anxious for it to have any effect now.

"Calm, love. Don't worry." I look up at him like he's crazy.

"Don't worry? Are you insane?" He just chuckles before opening the door to my house and leading me inside. It's been exactly one hour and 17 minutes since Emmett proposed, not that I'm counting, and I foolishly let him talk me into letting my parents and brother know. I can only imagine the types of horrible things they're going to do to him when I'm locked away in a tower somewhere, never to be seen again.

We stop in front of my father's study. Emmett goes to knock on the door but I stop him. "Do we really have to tell everyone? Can't we just run off and elope somewhere far away from guns and baseball bats?" He full out laughs at me now as he knocks on the door. I hear a mumbled 'come in' from my father. "Maybe we shouldn't bother him. He's probably busy.." I ramble on as Emmett opens the door, traitor that he is, and pulls me into the room.

"Hello, Mr Marion. Jillian and I have something we'd like to announce." I shoot a panicked look in Emmett's direction before looking at my father. He sets his glasses down and folds his hands over the book he was reading.

"And that would be?" I look down at my left hand, currently clutching Emmett's for dear life, and look back up at my father. He follows my eye line and then looks back at me. I look up at Emmett and he just smiles. He's going to make me say it. Damn him. I take in a shaky breath, Emmett squeezes my hand.

"Um, well, Emmett proposed this afternoon..." I trail off, bracing myself.

"Yes, and?" This I had not expected.

"And.. we're getting married?" My father smiles at me.

"I'm happy for you, Jillian. Emmett's turned into a fine young man." What?

"So you have no plans to take Emmett hunting?" Both men laugh at me.

"Jillian, what ever gave you that impression? Emmett's a good boy. I told him as much when he asked for your hand." I narrow my eyes up at Emmett, whose face is turning pink.

"He asked you? When?" My father glances at Emmett.

"I think perhaps that's something you two should discuss. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something I need to attend to." Not needing another word, I spin around and drag Emmett out of the study and down the hall to my room. I shove him in and close the door behind me.

"You already asked him? When?" Emmett sits on the arm of his favourite chair and smiles up at me sheepishly.

"A few weeks ago, give or take." I narrow my eyes. Nice try.

"Exactly how many weeks ago?"

"Uhm, five?"

"Five weeks! Are you kidding me?" He shakes his head and I sigh. "Well, how long have you had the ring?"

"Longer than that."

"Emmett McCarty, I swear. You better not have spent much on that."

"I didn't spend anything, honestly. My mother gave it to me before she passed." I look down at my hand. How had I not noticed it looks exactly like hers? I sit on the chair beside Emmett and he wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"Well, good. Better not have."

"Don't worry, love. Not a cent." I smile up at him and trace patterns on his knee.

"So who else did you tell?" He chuckles and leans so his arm is on the other armrest.

"My father knows, and so does Anthony. I'm pretty sure your brother and mother know."

"Not Robert?" He shakes his head and leans over to press his lips against my temple.

"No, not Robert." They're not exactly on the best of speaking terms. I confessed to Emmett that Robert had threatened me all those years ago and they haven't been the same since. Secretly I'm kind of grateful. Robert's not someone I want hanging around.

"Do we have to formally tell everyone? I assume Greg's okay with it since you're still alive." Emmett chuckles in my ear.

"He's the happiest one of the bunch. He said as long as I don't corrupt your innocent little mind, he's fine." I laugh. Typical Gregory.

"That can't be comfortable." He shrugs.

"Not really." I roll my eyes and get up.

"Sit." When he's sitting on the chair I sit on his lap and rest my head against his chest. He snakes his arms around my waist and presses his face to my head. I look up at him. "Emmett, were you just smelling my hair?" He smiles, embarrassed that I caught him.

"Maybe. You do smell good." I blush and lay my head back down.

"Well you don't smell so bad yourself." We lay like this for a few minutes when his stomach suddenly grumbles. "Hungry, are we?"

"Starving. I didn't eat breakfast."

"Why not?" He shrugs.

"Don't know. Can we go down and eat? I'm afraid I might waste away if I don't eat something." I laugh as I stand up and stretch. I pat his stomach once he's standing.

"We wouldn't want that to happen. Come on then." Emmett grins and takes my hand, leading me down to the kitchen.

Forever More, Chapter 7

"You sure you kids are going to be all right?"

"We'll be fine mom, now let us go already." I let them go and look at the 3 of them. It's the end of Christmas holidays and we're back at Platform 9 3/4.

"Promise to write me as soon as you have the time." All three kids roll their eyes.

"We gotta go mom, the train's gonna leave soon and we need to get good seats."

"All right, all right. One more hug each and you can go." After hugging me they all flee to the train, probably glad to get away from me. They don't need me anymore. The thought makes me sad. Draco puts his arm around my shoulders and I smile up at him.

Things have been much better between us since we've talked about everything. I'm still hiding the liquor key from him until I'm sure he's got enough self control. He's had trouble with alcohol abuse since his dad died, so it's very easy for him to relapse and go way overboard. Hopefully soon I can put it back and we won't have any more problems.

"What time are we picking Keera up?"

"She's staying the night, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Wait, does this mean a whole night to ourselves?" I roll my eyes.

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Hmm, that's interesting." I laugh as we make our way through the train station.

"Only you would be thinking about that." Draco grins as he gets in the passenger side of the car. He still doesn't drive very often, preferring to let me do it. I'd rather do it too as his driving frightens me a little.

"Come on Bella. We're hardly ever alone." I roll my eyes again.

"Keera sleeps like the dead. We get plenty of time alone."

"You know what I mean." He does have a point. Being entirely alone and with a child that sleeps 12 hours through is different, but not by much. Keera has always been my best sleeper. She slept straight through the night from 2 months on. I always had to wake her up to feed her. Quite a difference from my twins, who never slept more than two hours and always at different times. Cheyenne was just like the twins, except there was only one of her so when she slept for two hours at a time I also got to sleep along with her. I look down at my knee as Draco puts his hand on it.


"Begging now? Since when have you had to beg?" He chuckles and brings his lips over to my ear. "If you don't stop that you're gonna make me drive off the road. And I don't really feel like making a side trip to the ER today." He laughs again and sits back in his seat, although he keeps his hand on my knee. I have to work quite hard to keep my attention on the road.


I smile lazily and turn so I'm facing Draco, and am surprised to see he's not here. I sit up and glance at the clock, seeing that it's only 6 in the morning. I look around the room, not noticing anything out of the ordinary, but I have this peculiar feeling in my chest.

I stand up and slide my feet into my slippers, walking slowly to the door. I pause before opening it, somehow afraid that there's something I don't want to see on the other side. Before I can change my mind, I wrench it open, sighing with relief when I see that the hall is empty, save for a few of Keera's clothes that she needs to pick up. Instead of going back to bed I walk down the stairs and through the main floor of the house. Everything seems to be just as I left it.

As I walk into the kitchen I notice a note left on the counter. I pick it up and almost laugh out loud. Draco's away for the weekend on business, so of course he's not going to be home. I shake my head and ball up the paper, tossing it into the garbage can. I chuckle quietly to myself as I leave the kitchen, but stop when I hear a knock at the door.

My brows knit together as I walk toward the door, dread suddenly filling me up. I almost collapse right there when I open the door to see two police officers standing on the step. "Mrs Malfoy?" I can only nod. "May we come in?" I nod again and open the door to let them in. I shut the door and turn on a light, leading them to the living room.

"Would you like a drink? Tea, coffee?" I don't know why I'm offering them a drink when they're here to tell me something I don't want to hear.

"No, thank you." They glance at eachother before speaking. Suddenly I just can't take it anymore.

"Draco's dead, isn't he?"

"No, Mrs Malfoy, he's fine, so far as we know. No, it's about Phoebe and Gabriel Wyse." I'm caught between relief that Draco's fine and dread about Phoebe and Gabe.

"What about them?"

"Uhm, I'm sorry Mrs Malfoy, but they're dead."

03 December 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 4

I smile up at the sun and lay down on the soft grass. It's one of those perfect late August days and I'm not going to waste it inside. I sigh contently as I wonder what to get Emmett for his birthday in a couple weeks. He's going to be 20, so it's a big deal. He refuses to let me get him anything but I'm not listening to him. He'll just have to deal with whatever I get him. I quiet my breathing as I notice slow footsteps coming toward me. Somehow I already know it's Emmett.

He stops about 2 feet from my head and I can feel his shadow over me, blocking the warm sun. "I know you're not sleeping, love." I fight to control my face. It's always impossible for me to not smile while around Emmett. He plunks down beside my head and I keep my eyes closed, a smile fighting it's way into my face. After a few minutes when Emmett hasn't said anything I open my eyes to see his face an inch from mine.

"Emmett! Get away." He pulls his head back and laughs, showing off that dimpled smile I love so much. I sit up and look over at him. He's wearing swimming trunks and an old shirt. I see a small bag beside him and raise my eyebrows. He tosses it to me.

"It's for you. I thought we could go swimming before lunch." I grin and open the bag to see one of my swimming suits. I wonder how he got it, considering all of that stuff is in my locked room at the house, but mentally shrug and look around for a place to change into it. "Don't worry, I won't peek."

"Yeah right you won't. I'll go change behind that tree."

"Whatever you say." He chuckles as I get up and jog over to the trees lining the river. I hide behind a larger tree and take the suit out of my bag. I look at it and roll my eyes. It's one of my smaller suits. One my mother definitely wouldn't approve of if she saw me wearing it. It happens to be Emmett's favourite, no surprise there. I strip down and shimmy myself into the suit, stuffing my dress into the bag and emerging from behind the tree. I look around for Emmett, but he's nowhere to be seen. "Emmett, come on." I sigh and walk over to the water. He's probably just waiting behind a tree or something to scare me.

I dip my toes into the water and sigh happily. It's perfectly warm. Almost like bath water. I walk in while looking around for Emmett. When the water is up to my waist I feel a hand on my ankle that suddenly pulls me under. I get a breath just before my face is submerged and I see none other than Emmett himself. I roll my eyes and break the surface, getting another deep breath. I splash Emmett just as he resurfaces, getting him full in the face. "You're so funny, Emmett, truly." He grins and splashes me back. I narrow my eyes playfully. "Oh, you're in for it now."

We spend most of the morning playing around in the water, acting like little kids. After we're too tired to stand up we head back to land and lay on the shore, our legs in the water. We just lie there for a while, content in each other's company. Emmett rolls onto his side, facing me, so I roll onto mine, facing him. He looks like he has something important to say. Which is odd, because he never keeps anything from me. "What is it?"

"How do you always know?" I touch the tip of my finger to his nose.

"You've got this look on your face. So tell me, what's going on?" His nose scrunches up in the cutest way when he's thinking hard about something. The way he looks at me makes me sit up a little straighter. This is big, I can just tell.

"Don't interrupt, just listen, okay? I need to get this out." I smile and take his hand. "You know how I'm done school and working at my father's law firm with my brothers. He wants me to join them soon. I've never questioned it, it's just something I've always thought I would do. I didn't really start to think about it until a couple months ago. And I realized it's not what I want to do with my life. I don't like the thought of sitting indoors all day long, reading about the innocent and the guilty. It doesn't appeal to me in the same way it did when I was younger."

"So what are you going to do?" This is news to me. I always thought he'd follow along, just like his brother's before him.

"I told you not to interrupt, remember?" I lock my lips closed and smile. "Anyway, I've really thought about it and I've found that I want something more in my life. I want to go places and I want to see things. I want to sleep in tents and travel by foot. I want to do all of this, and I want you to do it with me." It takes me a minute, but I finally get what he's telling me.

"You... want me to.. marry you?" He reaches behind him to his shirt I hadn't realized was there and pulls out a box. My heart starts beating triple time as I realize what's inside that box. Emmett gets up on one knee in front of me and takes my left hand.

"Jillian Elizabeth Marion. Would you do me the honour and the pleasure of accepting me as your husband?" When he says the word husband he opens the box to reveal a gold diamond ring. I look up into his eyes to see something I hadn't noticed was there before. Love. Lots of it. All for me. My breath catches in my chest as I look down at the ring again. It must have cost him a small fortune.

"I'm only 18, Emmett. I can't possibly.." He cuts me off my pressing his lips against mine. My hands fly up to his curly hair, running my fingers through it. He leans me back onto the grass and he lays beside me, never breaking the kiss. We've kissed before, sometimes going farther than this, but this somehow feels different. It takes me a few minutes to realize that the kiss isn't different, I'm different, we're different. I've always liked Emmett, but not until this moment had I realized that I love him.

With this new found realization I pull Emmett on top of me and wrap my legs around his waist. He responds by rolling us over so that I'm on top of him. I finally break the kiss when I'm in need of air and look down at him. All the things I never saw before are suddenly right there in plain sight on his face. I give him another long deep kiss before pulling back again.

"Yes, Emmett. I'll marry you."

Forever More, Chapter 6

I set two glasses of wine on the coffee table and sit down beside Draco. "So.." The look that he was wearing at lunch comes back to his face.

"I asked her why she seemed so skittish and quiet. She didn't want to tell me at first, but with a few well worded threats I finally got it out of her." He sighs and drains the entire glass of wine.

"And what was that?" He looks over at me, pain evident on his face.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and not heard you out. I just had no idea that what you were telling me was what was actually going on. She told me that Alex was planning to drop in, in the middle of the night, she just didn't know when. I told her she can tell him to forget it, he's not coming, especially in the middle of the night."

"Did she know what he was coming here for?" Draco shakes his head. I shove my glass over to him and he downs it.

"No, she didn't seem to have any idea. I didn't ask her outright, but kinda hinted. You know, I never did like Alex much, and now I'm liking him less and less." I nod.

"When I was talking to Bridget earlier she told me that Cheyenne never talks to anyone anymore, that she spends all her time with Alex. She doesn't even talk to Bridget anymore." Draco's eyebrows raise, just as surprised to hear that as I was. He gets up and goes into the kitchen, coming back with the bottle of wine. I frown and give him a disapproving look. "Since when do you drink so much?" He shrugs.

"I dunno. Anyway, so what do we do?"

"I don't know. We can't forbid her from seeing him, they're in the same house. But maybe we can talk some sense into her." Instead of pouring the wine into one of the glasses he takes a drink right from the bottle. I narrow my eyes at him but he doesn't seem to notice. He's usually so careful with how much he drinks. I make a mental note to talk to him about it when he's sober. He burps and I wrinkle my nose in distaste. "I think that's enough. Time for you to go to bed."

I take the bottle from him and go into the kitchen, pouring what's left of it down the drain. After locking the liquor cabinet and hiding the key somewhere Draco can't find it, I go back to the living room and roll my eyes. He's asleep on the couch, snoring loudly. I wonder if I should move him, but decide against it. I won't get any sleep if he's snoring beside me like that.

I head up the stairs and check in on the kids. All 4 are sleeping despite Draco's snoring downstairs. I decide to have a shower before going to sleep, hoping it'll calm me down so I can actually get some sleep. I have a theory that since Cheyenne knows about Alex sneaking here in the middle of the night, it won't happen, so the dreams will stop.

After my very hot and relaxing shower I climb into bed and sigh. It seems like my family is coming apart at the seams and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Except for today Draco and I have barely talked in a week. I suspect he's been drinking behind my back. I'm afraid that Cheyenne is in an abusive relationship. I wonder if 14 is too young for that. I feel like crying. Before I can wonder what I'm going to do about it, I fall asleep, completely exhausted.


I wake up, look at the clock, and groan mentally. Not again! It's been almost a week. I thought these dreams were over with. I get up and walk to the bedroom door, opening it and walking down the hall. This is different. I stop in front of Cheyenne's room. There's no light at the bottom of the door. My eyebrows knit together in confusion. I open the door not knowing what to expect anymore when I'm hit with cold air. It's freezing in here! I look around and suddenly realize why. Cheyenne snuck out and left her window open. I run to the window, trying to see past the trees that run along the side of the house. Nothing. No!

"No!" I jerk awake and run to the bathroom, getting there just in time to throw up.

"Bell? What's wrong?" I feel Draco kneel beside me. He pulls my hair back from my face as I wipe my forehead.

"Another dream. Cheyenne's gone."

"Gone? Gone where?" I shake my head.

"I don't know. I went into her room and she was just gone."

"Mommy?" I look behind me and almost cry with relief when I see all 4 of my children standing behind Draco. They're all looking at me with worried, sleepy faces. All except Cheyenne. Her eyes are wide and I notice she's wearing clothes and not pyjamas. Draco notices this too because his eyes narrow. I grab his hand and shake my head.

"Later." He nods reluctantly and gets up.

"Okay you kids, you can go back to bed. Mom's fine, she's just feeling a little sick." I smile reassuringly at Keera, who looks the most worried.

"I'm fine, honey. You go back to bed, okay?" She finally nods and follows her brother and sisters out of the bedroom. I get up and brush my teeth, climbing back into bed, and flopping down on my back. Why me? Why these dreams? It's only now that I notice Draco's not in the room. I'm about to call out to him when he appears at the door, dragging Cheyenne behind him.

"I think Cheyenne has a few things to say to you." She looks up at her dad and he nods toward me. She walks slowly over to the bed and sits at my feet. "Go on." She sighs and looks down at her hands then looks over at me. "We don't have all night, Cheyenne." She gets that defiant look on her face and I look at Draco, giving him my shut-up-and-let-her-talk look.

"Um, well.." She pauses.

"Were you planning to sneak out tonight?" She nods slowly. "Did you not think that I'd catch you?" She doesn't answer but I can tell by the look on her face that she hadn't thought about that. "Well I did catch you and you know you're in trouble, right?" She nods again. I sigh and look over at Draco. I assume he's already thought about a few punishments.

"Your mother and I need to talk about what your punishment is going to be. But for the time being you can expect to be cut off from everything. No owl, no t.v, no phone, no internet. If you so much as touch a pen you'll be hearing about it. Understand?" Cheyenne nods again. "Now go to bed." She looks at me as if she thinks I'll help her, but I just shake my head.

"You heard your dad." She gets up and leaves the room. A few seconds later I hear her door slam. I sigh as Draco shuts our door and comes back to lay beside me. "Think we should lock her window?" He chuckles and scoots over so he's laying right beside me. I turn the bedside lamp off and lay back down, resting my forehead against his. "Casper's still in her room."

"We'll let her have tonight. Let her warn Alex not to step 100 feet near the house." I sigh again. I'm exhausted and all I wanna do is go back to sleep.

"You're in trouble too, you know." He looks at me, confused. "The drinking. I locked the cabinet and hid the key." I feel his forehead get hot and assume he's blushing.

"I know. I looked for it the next morning."

"Did you not think I was going to catch you?" Unknowingly, I said the same words to him that I'd said to Cheyenne not 5 minutes ago.

"I was hoping you would. After our fight I'd drink after you went to bed every night." I shake my head.

"Why didn't you just talk to me?" I feel him shrug.

"Didn't think you'd listen."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. You've got forever and then some to make it up to me." He laughs and his hand traces down my arm.

"Speaking of making up." I roll my eyes but smile.

"Oh you men, is that all you think about?" Even in the dark I can see him smile. He takes my chin in his hand and leads my lips to his. I'm hesitant at first, afraid that anything I let myself feel for him will just be because of that dream. But as things progress I realize that everything I'm feeling right now are because of right now. With that realization I give myself over to him entirely.

29 November 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 3

I'm sitting in the kitchen eating my breakfast when Emmett's older brother, Robert, comes and shoves my plate away from me. "What did you say to Emmett last night?" I look at him, confused.

"What? I didn't say anything." He pushes a finger in my face.

"Yes you did. He came into our room last night freaking out. He wouldn't tell me what, but I know it was because of you. And you're gonna tell me what." I feel tears start to well up in my eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Robert's eyes narrow and for a brief moment, I'm afraid he's going to hit me.

"I know you're lying and I'm gonna find out why. No one messes with my little brother and gets away with it. Especially not some spoiled little brat who thinks she can walk all over whoever she wants just because of who her father is. Nope, you're not getting away with this." With that he spins around and storms out of the kitchen. I stare after him, not knowing what to think. If Robert's so mad then maybe he wasn't playing a joke on me after all. But what if Robert's just pretending to be mad to scare me?

Not hungry anymore, I decide to go to my secret hiding place. I walk quickly to the backyard, hoping that I don't run into Robert again. Who knows what he'd do without anyone around to accidentally catch him. When I'm about 10 feet from the door of my place I stop. Something's wrong. There's a wall of leaves that covers the doors and whenever I leave I always place them just so. I remember back to the last time I was here, where I left them like I always do. Looking at them now, they've been moved and I'm sure someone's inside. That makes me angry. This is supposed to be my special place!

I walk the rest of the distance, pull the leaves aside, and step inside. It's a small play house that I found a few years ago. There's leaves covering it everywhere and a large tree is growing right beside it, so it's pretty much blocked from view from the outside. You'd have to really be looking to find this place. I've never told anyone about it, not even Sasha. There are too small rooms in the house. I use one as a living room and one as a bedroom. I like to sleep out here sometimes.

I hear someone bump into something and a loud crash in the other room. I quickly hide behind a big cardboard box while I wait to see who it is. I don't have to wait long as they stumble backwards out of the bedroom. I have to clamp my hands over my mouth to keep from gasping out loud. I watch as Emmett regains his footing and then curses loudly. He moves back into the room to right whatever it was he bumped into, and then he just stands in between the doors, resting against the frame. My head comes nowhere near the ceiling, but his is almost touching it.

He looks around both rooms and then goes back into the bedroom. I wonder what on earth could be so interesting, but I take the chance to stand in the middle of the living room, hands on my hips, and a glare on my face. Emmett is kind of intimidating, but nothing like his older brother. I get the feeling he wouldn't ever threaten anyone with his size, which kind of makes me feel better since he's about twice my size and at least 4 inches taller than my 4 foot 1. I put on my best brave glaring face and wait for him to come back out.

When he finally does he's looking at the floor and almost doesn't even notice me as he walks by. As he's about to open the door I clear my throat and he jumps and spins around. I have to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from smiling. "Holy shit, Jillian, you scared me!" I narrow my eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" He blinks a few times, no doubt waiting for his heart rate to go down.

"I found it and was curious. What are you doing here?" I roll my eyes.

"Isn't that obvious? This is my stuff." Instead of saying he's sorry, he suddenly cracks up laughing. My eyebrows knit together. "Why are you laughing, Emmett McCarty?" He drops down to his knees, hugging his stomach.

"The look on... your.. face. Is hilarious." I cross my arms and give him my best glare, but it just makes him laugh harder. Which results in making me smile. Somehow I can't stay mad at him. I sit down on the floor and cross my legs. I suddenly stop smiling as I remember last night. Emmett notices my change in mood and stops laughing, coming to sit beside me. "What's wrong?" More stupid tears make their way to my eyes.


"Oh come on, you really expect me to believe that?" I sigh and look down at my hands.

"You left last night without telling me why." Emmett takes one of my hands and my stomach flips.

"I'm sorry. I can't really explain why I left, but I'm willing to make it up to you." I can't help but stare at our hands.


"Anything you want starting now."

"When does that end? When you leave tomorrow?" I see him shake his head out of the corner of my eye.

"Nope. As long as you want me here."

"You mean until you start to annoy me?" He laughs quietly and runs his thumb over the back of my hand. My stomach does another flip and my heart starts beating faster. Emmett takes my chin in his right hand and guides my face to look at his. Instead of letting go, he moves his fingers to rest on my neck. I'm faintly aware that I should be embarrassed that my heart is beating so fast, but as soon as he starts lowing his face to mine, every thought leaves my head.

I didn't think it could get much better than last night's kiss, but this one beats it by a long shot. He presses his lips gently against mine, moving them in a way that feels like nothing I've ever experienced. I never thought kissing could ever make me feel so warm and cold all at the same time. I wonder what this new feeling it is that I'm experiencing. I don't get long to wonder as Emmett pulls his lips away from mine and smiles dimply at me. I hadn't noticed until now that my breathing is fast and my face is flushed. It pleases me in a way I can't quite pinpoint, to see that Emmett's is, too.

I didn't think it could get much better until he takes my right hand and kisses it. The gesture is so sweet that I can't help but smile. He smiles that dimpled smile, a smile that is quickly becoming my favourite smile, and helps me stand up. I decide to fix the bedroom later as he leads me away from my, now our, special place up to the main house.

Forever More, Chapter 5

"When's the train getting here, mommy?" I look down at Keera. She's pulling at my arm.

"Soon, I think. I bet if we're real quiet we can hear the train before it gets here." This works but probably not for long. She's almost as excited as I am to be seeing her older siblings, so I can't blame her for jumping around. I look over at Draco out of the corner of my eye. He's talking to one of the twins friend's dad. He looks over at me and catches my eye for a second before looking away. Things aren't any better between us. In fact, I'd say they're almost worse.

"Mommy! I can hear it!" I look away from Draco and sure enough, I hear the loud whistle of the train engine announcing it's arrival. The Platform suddenly gets much quieter as parents and siblings alike wait for their family members. "I can't see it! Where is it?" A few people around us chuckle.

"Shh, it's coming. It'll be here soon." She jumps up and down again, trying to get a better view. A minute or so later I finally see the bright red steam engine pulling along a train full of kids. It looks exactly as it always has. Once it finally pulls into the station I have to wait 10 more minutes before spotting Ethan amongst the sea of people. Behind him is Bridget towing along Cheyenne. She's looking behind her and waves to someone. I don't give it much thought, only wanting my kids in my arms.

"Mom! Over here!" I half drag Keera behind me as I dodge through the people toward Ethan. I almost run into him and throw my arms around him. I thought it would get easier, having 3 of my kids gone for months at a time, but it's only gotten harder.

"Ethan! Oh I've missed you guys."

"I missed you too, mom. Bridge, Cheyenne, over here!" The other two come running up to me and I take all 4 of my kids in my arms. After a minute or two I finally let go of them and take a closer look. Ethan seems to have grown at least 2 inches, making the height difference between him and his twin sister more pronounced. It looks as if he's almost taller than I am. I make a mental note to measure when we get home.

"Where's dad?" I look closer at Cheyenne, too. She doesn't seem to have changed too much. Her hair's longer and she looks skinnier, but nothing too drastic. Bridget looks exactly the same as she always does.

"He's here somewhere. Talking to Patrick's dad, I think." My 3 older kids grab their trunks and follow Keera and I through the now smaller crowd to their dad. He excuses himself from the conversation as Bridget lands him with a giant hug, then Ethan, and lastly Cheyenne. I might be reading too much into it, but she seems distracted and restless. Like she's waiting for something.

Draco leads the kids to the car while I tag along behind. I wonder what people see when they look at my family. A happy couple with a happy family? It could only be further from the truth right now. "Mom, come on! Heather said they're having a welcome home party at her house and I don't wanna be late!"

"We're not going to be late. The party isn't for another 3 hours. We're going home first anyway." Cheyenne sighs in annoyance. "And since when do you actually like going to these family things?" She's hated them since she was 7.

"Since now. Do we really have to go home first, dad?"

"Yep. Now come you lot, into the car you go." I get into the passenger seat as the kids file into the van. I notice that Cheyenne sits at the very back. Very odd for her. She usually likes to sit as close to me as she can get so she can tell me all about everything. I give Draco a look and nod back to our oldest daughter. He looks at her from the review mirror and shrugs, putting the car into gear. He surprises me by looking back over at me. "I'll talk to her later."

It's been almost 2 weeks since he's said anything but "what's for supper" and I almost have a heart attack. Even in the short amount of time that Cheyenne's been with us, it's obvious there's something going on with her. Hopefully he's noticed it too and maybe we can begin to work things out. As much as I'm dreading this dream actually coming true, I hope it comes quickly. I want to be able to hug my husband without wanting to physically attack him.

With the way Draco drives it takes us about half the time to get home than it would have taken me to drive, which gives us about 2 more hours until this party starts. I want to talk to Cheyenne but figure I'll let Draco deal with her for the time being. So, instead, I focus on my other two children. I ask Ethan to help me make lunch, listening to him tell me about the makings of his first year at the school. I get Bridget to help me clean up lunch so she can tell me all about her time there.

During lunch I noticed that Cheyenne was very quiet and Draco just looked mad. I feel bad for Bridget because I'm only half listening to what she's telling me. I'm annoyed that I won't have the chance to talk to Draco until tonight when we're back home from the party. "Mom, you okay? You're not listening."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. I'm just a little distracted." Bridget suddenly gets a serious look on her face.

"Mom, I think there's something wrong with Cheyenne." I stop drying the bowl I'm holding and turn to face my daughter.

"Why do you think that?"

"I dunno. She's been real quiet lately and usually you can't get her to shut up. She doesn't talk to anyone anymore except Alex. They're always together, like all the time." I frown. For some reason an alarm goes off in my head.

"Have you tried talking to her?" Bridget nods.

"Yeah, but she won't talk to me anymore. We used to be almost as close as Ethan and I are. I miss her." This worries me but I can't let Bridget know that.

"I'm sure she's okay. Your dad and I will talk to her and figure it all out. Don't worry, okay?" Her ever present smile lights her face back up.

"Can I go?" I nod and she runs off. I finish drying the lunch dishes and then put them away, sitting at the table when I'm done. This new information from Bridget worries me. Without really meaning to, I think back to the dream. I think through it and new emotions seem to make themselves known. Before all I could feel was the confusion and then the passion. Now there's something else, and I'm not sure I like what I find.

25 November 2011

The Boy Next Door, Chapter 12

The line goes dead and I lower my arm, just staring at my phone. What just happened? "Is everything okay?" I glance up at Adrian before looking back down at my phone. I shut it and put it in my pocket before looking up at Adrian again.

"Uhm, I don't know. I think Lyss just de-friended me." Adrian's eyebrows knit together and he frowns. "This has been such an awful day." I suddenly have the urge to cry. But no way am I doing that in front of Adrian outside on the sidewalk.

"We don't have to go out anymore if you don't want to."

"I'd rather be out than home right now." I look at my house and catch Brenda watching me from the front window. I shoot her a glare and she lets the curtain go. I shake my head while Adrian glances back at my house.

"Why don't you come over to my place? I know it's only next door but we can order a pizza, rent some movies, just totally veg out for the afternoon. Plus we have air conditioning." I laugh a bit and cross my arms.

"Why are you doing this for me? We've known eachother how many days now, three?" Adrian smiles in a nice way.

"I don't know why, exactly. But I just feel drawn to you." I feel my face flush. Hopefully he'll think it's just the heat.

"I feel the same way. I feel like I've known you for years and not just days."

"Maybe we knew eachother in another life." I chuckle and turn toward town. "Where are we going?"

"How are we supposed to rent movies from your house?"


I wake up to my phone ringing and drag it out of my pocket and stick it to my ear. "'Lo?"

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Drat, I should have checked caller ID.

"Sort of, I was just getting up though."

"It's seven in the evening." I yawn and look around, noting that Adrian is spooning my back.

"I know, dad. It's been a stressful day."

"So I've heard. Tell me, what exactly happened this morning?" I sigh and try to sit up a little without waking Adrian.

"Lyss got here this morning around 9. I'm not telling you what happened to her, but I'll say that it wasn't good. She asked me to lie to Bren cause it's none of her business either. So I told Bren that Lyss got drunk and into a fight last night. She threatened to talk to Lyssa's mom, which is not her place and I told her so. She didn't like that and we got into a bit of a fight."

"I heard about that part. She said you called her a self righteous bitch."

"Well she is." My dad sighs.

"What happened after that?"

"Brenda called Lyssa's mom because she showed up at the house with two cops. I got Lyss presentable and she took her home. After she left I was walking through the kitchen and Bren goes and says 'got what she deserved'. I went off on her and left shortly afterward."

"I heard about that, too."

"Then, Lyss called me a bit after and said Brenda told her mom she'd been doing drugs and partying and starting fights. None of which is true but she believed her and now Lyss isn't talking to me until I fess up to something I didn't do."

"What?" I sit up, angry now.

"Yeah, Brenda lied to April and told her all this shit that's not true and now Lyss isn't talking to me. Bren needs to mind her own business and keep her nose out of it."

"I'm sorry hon, I'll have a talk with her about that."

"Grandma asked me again to go live with her until I start school. If Bren keeps this shit up I'm going to take her up on it."

"She never mentioned that to me."

"Oh, I also got a text from mom last night. I haven't read it yet." I hear him curse over the line.

"What is she doing contacting you?"

"I don't know. I talked to Brax and he didn't get one."

"It sounds like you had quite the busy day."

"Which is the understatement of the year, dad. Look, I have to go. Just tell Bren to keep her big, fat nose out of other people's business, especially mine and my friends' business, and we're good. Otherwise I'm on the next train out of here." Without waiting for a reply I close my phone and set it on my lap. I rub my face and sigh.

"Where you going?" I jump and look down at Adrian. I hadn't noticed he'd woken up.

"Oh, nowhere right now." He snuggles closer to me and closes his eyes.

"Good, you're comfy." I smile. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, as okay as it's gonna be, I guess." He opens one eye and squints up at me.

"Anything I can do to help?" I chuckle and stick my phone back in my pocket, scooting down so I'm laying on my side, facing Adrian.

"Unless you don't mind keeping me in your closet for the summer, probably not." He glances at his closet and I laugh at his expression, like he's actually considering it. I poke his nose with my finger. "You're cute." I'm pleased when a slight blush creeps up his face. He sits up and reaches for his phone.

"Do you like Chinese?"

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 2

"Hurry, let me in!" I step aside to let Emmett in my room, shutting the door once I make sure no one's hiding down the hall. I lead Emmett over to my bed and we both sit down.

"What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night. You could have just waited until tomorrow morning, you know."

"Rob is snoring and I couldn't sleep."

"Well I was sleeping too. You woke me up." From the little light filtering through the window, I see him grin.

"Sorry. I had to wait until everyone was asleep before I could sneak over."

"But why'd you sneak over here?" Mother would certainly say that it's not proper to have boys sneak into your room in the middle of the night. But I didn't ask him to come. So this doesn't count, right?

"I wanted to see you." I feel another blush make its way onto my face and I'm grateful that it's dark.

"Why do you want to see me?" He doesn't answer for so long that I thought he might have fallen asleep sitting up, when he suddenly smiles again and looks up at me.

"Cause I like you, Jillian. I've liked you for a while. Every time I see you I've wanted to talk to you but never got the chance. Tonight you were finally alone, so I talked to you before my chance was up." When he takes my hand I jump about 5 feet in the air. When I can't hear my heartbeat anymore I can hear him laughing quietly. "I know we just met so it's impossible for you to like me too, but I'm willing to wait. I'll wait for however long it takes." I blush again and look down at my hands. Mother never covered this. I decide to say the first thing that pops into my head.

"Well, you won't have to wait for long." I say it so quietly that I thought maybe he hadn't heard me, so I look back up at him and clear my throat. "I like you, too." The smile that he gives me makes my stomach flutter in a way I've never felt before. I decide that I like it.

"Jillian? Would it be too forward of me to ask you for something?" My heart skips a beat, although I'm not exactly sure why.

"What's that?" I'm happy to see that this time, Emmett blushes. I catch myself thinking that he looks really cute when he blushes.

"Could I, um.. well, could I kiss you?" My heart starts beating faster and I can't think straight. He wants to kiss me?

"What if I'm bad at it?" He holds onto my wrists with his hands and shakes his head.

"Impossible." I see him start to lean toward me and I freeze. I don't know what to do! What if he hates it so much that he never talks to me again? I don't get the chance to ask him because I suddenly feel his lips gently press against mine. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to explode. He moves his hands from my wrists to rest against my arms.

I lean into him a little bit and he grips my arms harder, but it doesn't hurt, it actually feels kinda nice, in a weird way. Without warning, Emmett suddenly pulls away from me and stands up.

"I'm sorry, I have to go."

"What? Why?"

"I just, I have to go. I'll see you in the morning, okay?" Without waiting for an answer he bolts to my door, yanks it open, and takes off down the hall. I sit there for a few minutes, wondering what could have scared him so suddenly. Did I do something wrong? I must have. What else could it be? I get up and walk over to my door, half hoping that he'll come back, and half hoping he won't. When he doesn't come back a few minutes later I shut the door and lay back on my bed.

I pull the blankets up over my head and curl into a ball. Maybe he doesn't like me after all. Just then it suddenly makes sense. It was a joke! My brother's friends got him to do it! I knew he couldn't actually like me. It was all a joke to him. To get me to confess that I like him so he can tell everyone and they'll all laugh at me. I hate him. I hate them all.

Forever More, Chapter 4

"Bella, wake up." I jerk awake and sit up in bed. Draco turns the bedside lamp on and looks at me with sleepy eyes. It's been almost 3 weeks since the first time I had that dream and I've had it every night since. If that wasn't annoying enough, it's always at the same time. And it always effects me like the first time I had it. I look over at Draco and smile apologetically.

"I'm sorry." He shakes his head and yawns.

"Still the same one?" I nod. "You still don't remember anything?" I shake my head. I feel horrible for lying to him. But how embarrassing is it that I'm dreaming about my teenage daughter and her boyfriend, even if it's not me in the dream. I still feel everything.

"You go back to sleep. I'm gonna go down for a drink." He nods and lays back down, falling asleep as soon as he hits the pillow. Poor guy is getting almost as little sleep as I am. I get out of bed and head down to the kitchen, pouring myself a cold glass of water. As I'm taking a sip I happen to look at the fridge where Keera has a countdown to Christmas on it. The sudden realization almost makes me drop the glass.

The whole time I've been having this dream I've always wondered why it takes place in Cheyenne's room. But looking at the countdown I suddenly get why. Cheyenne's coming home for the Christmas holidays. She'll be here for almost two weeks. It's December 10th, which means only little more than a week before she gets here. And if what Alexander says in the dream is true, only a week after that before he sneaks into her room.

I set the glass on the counter before I can drop it. Which also means at least two more weeks of this dream. I groan and cover my face in my hands. I'm not sure I can take two more weeks of this. Draco certainly can't. I haven't been able to touch him, afraid that anything I feel for him right now is purely the after effects from the dream. I'm sure he's beginning to wonder what's going on with me. I just hope he doesn't think I'm cheating on him.

"Bella? Are you still down here?" I look up as Draco enters the kitchen.

"What are you doing? You have to work in the morning." He smiles sleepily and leans against the opposite side of the counter. He doesn't hug me anymore. He's afraid of scaring me off. Secretly I'm thankful that he doesn't try to, but it hurts for some reason that I can't explain.

"S'okay. You coming back to bed?" I nod and then take another long sip from my recently forgotten glass of water.

"Yeah, I'll be up in a minute." He turns to leave but then stops, turning back to face me. The look on his face surprises me.

"Okay look, I've tried to give you space, cause it's obvious you need it. But I'm not sure I can take much more of this, Bell. You won't kiss me, you won't hug me, hell, you won't even touch me anymore. I was gonna leave it alone until you figured whatever it is you need to figure out, but I'm done. What's going on?" I look up at Draco, feeling so many things at once.

"I know, you're right. I'm sorry. It's this dream." He crosses his arms.

"You told me you don't remember it."

"I know, I'm sorry for lying. I get embarrassed even thinking about it. It's hard to tell you."

"Try me." It hurts that he's being so mean to me, but I can't say I don't deserve it.

"Okay well this is gonna sound completely absurd, but for the past couple weeks, I've been dreaming that I'm Cheyenne." His eyes narrow.

"But what about Cheyenne makes you shy away from me whenever I come within 5 feet of you?" I feel my face get hot.

"That's the embarrassing part." I pause but Draco doesn't say anything. I take a deep breath and sigh. "In the dream I wake up in our bedroom and then walk to Cheyenne's room. When I open the door Alexander is waiting in there for her. He snuck out of his own house to ours to see her." I stop then, hoping that Draco can guess the rest of the dream. By the look on his face, he can and has.

"Bell. That's crazy."

"I know. Don't you think I know that? Before you came down I figured it out. It's gonna happen over Christmas holidays. That's the only time she'll be here for more than a week until next summer." I remember something about the dream I hadn't paid attention to before. When walking down the hallway I can see stockings, the ones that Draco and I tie to the banister for the kids.

"Are you seriously telling me that you're dreaming about having sex with Cheyenne's boyfriend?" I cringe at the tone in his voice.

"Not me. Cheyenne. I'm her in the dream." He shakes his head. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"I don't know, honestly. That's just crazy. There's got to be more you're not telling me." I shake my head sadly.

"That's it." Draco sighs.

"I think I'm gonna sleep down here tonight." I feel as if he just took my heart out of my chest and stamped all over it with his foot. I have to keep myself from crying. "I'll see you tomorrow after work." I nod slowly and watch him walk in the direction of the guest room. Only when I'm sure that he's shut the door do I let myself cry. Draco and I rarely fight and this is just crushing me.

I wander upstairs without any real memory of how I got up here and get back into bed. It feels cold and empty without Draco in it so I get back out and walk down the hall to Keera's room. I open the door slowly and walk over to her bed. I move the blankets and curse mentally as she sits up, rubbing her eyes. "Mommy?"

"Shh, it's okay. I just had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you tonight?" She nods and scoots over so I have more room. I lay down beside her and take her in my arms, hugging her to me. She falls back to sleep almost right away, but it takes me much longer. It feels like my chest is broken and I can't breathe right. I finally fall asleep just as the sun is coming up.

21 November 2011

The Impossibility Of Sensibility, Chapter 1

"Jillian! Darling, oh, there you are." I look up from my book to my mother. "The guests are arriving and you musn't stay up here in your room all evening." I sigh to myself. This is so unfair. I don't even like any of these people! Why can't they all just go away and leave me alone? Instead of telling Mother what I'm thinking, I mark my page and set it aside to follow her downstairs to the lobby.

Today is my big brother's 16th birthday and he's having a big party. I'm supposed to be helping, but I'd rather just hide until it's all over. I try to sneak off to my secret hiding place in the woods behind the house, but one look from Father sends me in the other direction, toward Gregory's party and his stupid friends.

I love Gregory, really. Whenever we're alone we always do the best things. We play outside for hours and hours until we're called in for dark. He reads me his favourite stories and tells me about the things he'd like to do when he's older. He's great. But whenever his friends are around, well, he's not very nice. I'm always the little sister that is made to tag along wherever they go. I'm annoying to them. I asked him once why he acts like that, and all's he said was that's how it is.

I stand in a corner, almost hidden behind a big potted plant, while Gregory's friends talk and laugh and ignore me. I sigh again and wonder what Sasha is doing right now. I asked Father if I could spend the party at her house, but he said no. I then asked if she could come here to play, but he said that it's Gregory's party, not mine, and I must respect that. I don't see what the big deal in having her here is.

I lay my head against the wall and close my eyes. Not fair! No one here likes me! I feel angry tears make their down my cheeks and I wipe them away. The last thing I need is for someone to see and call me a cry baby. I want to sit down but Mother always tells me that it's not ladylike to sit on the floor. I don't see the big deal. I play outside and sit on the ground all the time.

"What are doing here all by yourself?" I look over to see a boy looking at me. I look away and glare at the floor.

"I'm hiding. Go away."

"Aren't you lonely?"


"Can I hide with you?"

"No. I said go away." Mother would certainly get me into trouble if she heard the way I was talking to this boy. He doesn't ask me anymore questions so I thought he'd left, but when I look up he's still standing there. My curiosity gets the better of me. "You don't look old enough to be one of my brother's friends." When he shakes his head his dark curls shake with it.

"I had to come. My brother was invited and my parents are gone for the weekend." He looks as annoyed by all of this as I feel.

"Well I'm glad you came. Now at least there's someone here to talk to." He grins and a dimple forms in his left cheek. I smile back and step over to let him stand beside me. "My name is Jillian Marion. What's yours?"

"Emmett McCarty. Why didn't you go somewhere else?"

"I tried but my father said no." I make a face and Emmett laughs at me.

"I'm glad I had to come, too." I look up at Emmett.

"Why?" He dimple-grins again.

"Cause you're cute and funny. I'm glad that I got to meet you." I can feel my face get warm as a blush creeps over it. It's the first time a boy has ever said I'm cute or funny. Boys usually tend to avoid me. Mother says it's because they're still worried about girl germs and will grow out of it soon, but I always worry that I'll always have them and no boys will ever like me. "How old are you, Jillian?"

"I just turned 12 in February." Emmett definitely looks older than my 12 years. His shoulders are wide and he's pretty tall, but he's still got that young look to his face.

"I'll be 15 in September." My face falls. There's no way that a 14 year old would ever like me. Before I can decide what to do next the plant is pulled back and I look up to see my mother.

"Jillian Elizabeth Marion. It's is not proper of a lady to be standing in corners behind plants alone with boys. Dinner will be ready soon and you're expected at the head table beside your brother. Come on, now." She gives Emmett a slight nod and pulls me along with her. I look back at him and smile apologetically. He mouths something to me but I can't quite make it out. See you soon? I'm not sure.

Dinner goes by in a blur and, not soon enough, I'm back up in my room, laying on my bed. I found out that Emmett and his brother are staying here for the weekend until their parents get back. I'm happy and sad all at the same time. Happy because I get to spend another day with Emmett, and sad because I know he'll never feel the same way about me as I do about him. I won't ever find anyone. The thought makes me want to cry.

I read a few more chapters of my book and mark my page, setting it on my bedside table and turning out the lamp. I'm not really tired yet, but if my light is still on when Mother makes her rounds, I'll end up in trouble. I roll onto my side and hug my teddy bear close to my chest.

I'm drifting off to sleep when I suddenly hear a soft tapping. I try to ignore it and fall asleep, but it keeps tapping and I finally get too annoyed to ignore it. I sit up and look around the dark room, trying to locate the sound. Nothing. Just as I'm about to lay back down it starts again. Someone's knocking at my door? I get out of bed and slip on my night coat while walking over to my door. I unlock it and open it, half expecting one of Gregory's friends to be playing tricks on me. Instead, the door opens and I see Emmett standing in front of me.

"Emmett? What are you doing here?"

The Boy Next Door, Chapter 11

Before anything can be said I spin around and all but sprint into my bathroom. I close the door behind me and lean against it. What was that? I have no answers for myself.

I brush my teeth and rinse off my face then put a small amount of makeup on. I'll probably sweat it off the second I step outside but I don't care. Before going back out to my room I peek through the keyhole to see that Adrian isn't in there. I stand back up, take one deep breath, and push the door open.

I'm about to climb out the window when I change my mind and find a more flattering top to wear. I also trade my shorts for a skirt, slip on some flip flops and then stick my head out the window. Adrian is standing against the wall in the cover of the shade. "I'm wearing a skirt so don't look up."

I quickly grab my purse and sunglasses and swing my leg out the window. I look down to make sure Adrian isn't looking up my skirt, then start down the ladder. Truth be told, I absolutely hate heights. I've never been on a roller coaster and never plan on it. I don't even like looking out a window in a building that's more than 3 storey's up.

I climb, ever slowly, down the ladder, praying the whole time that I won't fall. When my foot hits the ground I breathe a sigh of relief and stick on my sunglasses. I was right, I'm sweating already. "Took yah long enough. I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to go up after you." I stick my tongue out at Adrian.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious." He smiles while taking the ladder down.

"Just need to return this and we're free to go." I follow him to his grandma's shed, silently thankful that my random act of forwardness didn't turn anything awkward. "Hold on, just gonna run inside for a second." He jogs across the backyard and disappears into the house. Without thinking about it, I look up at his bedroom window. From this angle I can partially see into his room.

Suddenly feeling a little like a stalker, I turn around and walk to the other side of the house. I just about have a heart attack when I'm tapped on the shoulder. I spin around to see Mrs Findlay. "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" I clutch my chest and smile.

"Only a bit. What are you doing out in the heat?" She holds up a watering can.

"Flowers get thirsty too. Are you waiting for Adrian?" I nod. "He just went into the house." I nod again and stick my hands in my pockets. "Well, you two have a good afternoon." I watch for a second as she limps over to one of her flower beds. I don't know why she's bothering to water them as they all pretty much look dead. I'm no gardener though so maybe there's a trick to it or something.

I shrug and turn back toward the house just as Adrian is walking up to me. He changed into different shorts and grabbed sunglasses. "Ready to go?" I sling my purse strap over my shoulder and nod.

"Where are we going?" I walk alongside Adrian as we head toward the street.

"I don't know. You're the tour guide, remember?" I smile and run through places in my head. Before I can get far my phone rings in my purse. I frown, because I don't remember turning it back on, but check the caller ID to see that it's Lyssa calling from her house phone. I almost rip the phone apart in my haste to answer it.

"Lyssa! Are you okay?" There's silence on the other end. "Lyss?" She whispers into the phone.

"Sorry, hang on okay?" I hear muffled sounds through the receiver and wait a full two minutes before she comes back on the line. "Sorry about that. I just had to make sure no one saw me with the phone."

"What's going on?"

"What the hell did you tell Brenda? My mom seems to think I was partying, doing drugs, having wild orgies, and starting fights all night."

"All's I told her was that you got drunk and got into a fight. Anything else Bren said she said on her own."

"That's not what I'm hearing, Emma. My mom's gone crazy. I'm grounded until school starts, she made me call Dustin and break up with him. She even wants me to tell all of my friends that I'm going away for the summer so I can't hang out with anyone."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. She told me I have to tell you that I don't like you and don't want to be your friend anymore."

"That's ridiculous." I expected some type of argument, maybe that she told her mom where to shove it, or that there's no way we're not hanging out this summer, but I get nothing but silence. "Lyss, you're not going to listen to her, are you?"

"I don't know, Emma. I find it hard to believe that all you said was I got drunk and into a fight." I almost drop the phone, I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"You're not serious. You actually believe Brenda over me?"

"Why would she lie?"

"Because she's a bitch! You know exactly how she is, Lyss!" I hear a sigh over the line.

"I'm sorry Em, but until you tell me the truth I don't want to talk to you."